November 22, 1963, a beautiful friday morning in Dallas, Texas. The best I'd seen in quite some time. Today was a big day for me. It was about 8:30am and I began to polish up my 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible. My baby was going to be in the presidential motorcade carrying none other than the President of the United States of America! It was an honor to be included in such a prestigous day. President elect, John F. Kennedy, was our hope for a prosperous and bright future. I finished polishing my Lincoln and just in case the weather got bad, I readied the 1961 Bently s2. There was nothing else to do but wait. Security arrived around 10:30am to pick up the President's ride. I gave the keys to the driver they had chosen and smiled as he climbed into my car. He put the key into the ignition and turned her over. My moment of pride suddenly became one of sickness as the car refused to start. The driver tried and tried but to no avail. The security man standing beside me gave me a look of panic as there was no time to fix the Lincoln. I quickly offered the use of the Bently as that was the back up plan. We exchanged keys and the driver commented on the Bently not being good for the press, but much safer for the president. Forgetting about the Lincoln, I headed down to watch the arrival of the Preisdent himself in my Bently. The city had defiantly shown its pride by coming out to greet our President. 12:30am came around. Our President, John F. Kennedy,amd his beautiful wife Jacqueline Kennedy arrived safely at Dallas Trade Mart. He truely gave me hope for our future. His speech was inspiring and one I'll never forget. I headed home to watch him again on the news. I didn't want the day to end. I was shocked to hear there was an arrest at Dealey Plaza, earlier today. Apparently, a man named Lee Harvey Oswald was held up in the Texas School Book Depository building, with a rifle to assasinate the President. The news took my breath away. Thank god, the Lincoln didn't start!
Idea is good. Lots of detail. Focus on imagery and diction. Tidy up lower case i's.